Join Us Sundays, 10:00 am.
All Welcome!
Sermons in New Year:
Jan. 5: Communion Sunday God's Warnings, Dreams & Provisions* Jan. 12: "Right Motives"* Jan. 19: "Such a Wedding!"* Jan. 26: "The Joy of the Lord"* Feb. 2: Communion Sunday New Member Class in Library, 9:15 am *Pastor Linda, preaching __________________________________________ G R A C E N O T E S B Y P A S T O R L I N D A
“Sing to God a new song! Sing to God all the earth!” —Psalm 96:1 In August 2021 a grant was awarded to us from the Lilly Endowment to help “All Our Hearts Sing”. Many thanks to all who participated the following summer in Worship and other events (dancers, speakers, pastors, musicians, mariachis, photographers, Deacons, members, and friends of this congregation!). We couldn’t have done it without you, the Lilly Foundation, and God's grace! It was a wonderful summer, and I got to share some of my favorite places with my family, namely Laity Lodge in the Texas Hill Country, The Glen Arts and Faith Workshop held, for the first time, in Asheville, NC, and Koinonia Farm, est. 1942, in Americus, GA--an intentional Christian community practicing inter-racial justice to share Christ's love with all amidst much persecution (Koinonia Farm is located 8 miles from Jimmy Carter's house in Plains, GA, and two hours from Atlanta). Thanks to the Lilly Endowment, and your participation, my family---who had never, till this summer, been with me to any of these wonderful places--got to visit them and learn from them. So, a big “Thank You”, to the Lilly Endowment as well as those who either helped to plan/write this grant or actively organized and led summer activities: Marilyn, Virginia , Marsha, and Gayle, as well as many others. Thanks! Thanks, also, to Melissa who worked in the office all summer and will continue to do so while, also, developing a new Youth Group Pilot Program for young adults with the help of her husband Jose, and others interested in partnering with them. God bless you all and the new things God is doing at ABQ Rio Grande Presbyterian Church! _____________________________________________________________ When organizations like Rio Grande Food Project, Food is Free Albuquerque and ABQ Mutual Aid work together, MORE food gets distributed throughout our commUNITY, like these beautiful cold-weather plants that were distributed to RGFP clients and even some planted in our Urban Garden. Together our 3 nonprofits have distributed over 500k pounds of food in 2021.
Donate on #GivingTuesday or start early on #GivingMonday, where your support will have 3x the impact since all proceeds will be shared among our 3 non-profits working to reduce hunger, sharing the bounty of food available with those who need it the most. Visit for all info and to donate. Thank you! #BetterTogether #CommUNITY #thankyouverymuch |
FREE FOOD (No Turkeys available this year for distribution) Pick up food every week at 600 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque NM 87121 Coors & Daytona: Wed, Fri & Saturdays, Rio Grande Presbyterian Church (Clothing also available on Wednesdays and Fridays) FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays, 9-11 am You do NOT need to show ID or proof of income or residence NO DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED Just let us know that your household meets income limits. [email protected] (505) 831-3778 COMIDA GRATIS recoger comida cada semana 600 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque NM 87121 Coors & Daytona: Lote del este Río Grande Presbyterian Church para walk-in DISTRIBUCIÓN DE COMIDA: Miércoles 9-11, Viernes y Sabados, 9-11 am NO es necesario que muestre un documento de identidad o un comprobante de ingresos o de residencia NO SE REQUIERE DOCUMENTACIÓN Sólo dejanoslo saber que su hogar cumple con los límites de ingresos Rio Grande Food Project (RGFP) has undertaken a project with Lynn Trojahn at Thrive Consulting (Lynn’s bio is attached) to ensure a successful capital campaign to build a new Rio Grande Food Project campus (same location) that will include a client-choice grocery store experience for our food pantry guests, an expanded warehouse, a food security community resource and education hub, office space, and an expanded urban garden. We are taking initial steps to purchase the empty land adjacent to our existing shared space (that we have outgrown) and to design a future facility that will provide a more robust continuum of care to families and individuals experiencing food insecurity. RGFP has provided millions of pounds of food, plus additional household income-maximizing assistance, to food-insecure community members for the past 33 years. This buildout is critical to fully realizing our mission of alleviating hunger and cultivating long-term food security in our communities. [email protected] (505) 831-3778 |

Meetings and Events
1st Tuesday Luncheons:
- Feb. 4, 11:30 am, Mac's La Sierra Coffee Shop, at 6217 Centra
Volunteer at Rio Grande Food Project:
The Rio Grande Food Project distributes food at Rio Grande Church, 600 Coors Blvd. NW Call 505-831-3778 (Number for PNM and Water Bill Appointments, too!)
Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 9-11am
Just bring your Driver's License
Lisa, RGFP Volunteer Recruiter
Contact her at the food project, 505-831-3778
or email her at [email protected]
Like to Garden?
Join Master Gardeners, Wednesdays & Fridays, from 9 - 11 am
Need more info? Email Kathi at [email protected]
Gently Used Clothing Available
Wednesdays and Fridays, 9-11am
Rio Grande Church (located on church's NW corner)
Mission Networking Team meets Quarterly
Talk with Marilyn for more information on how you can join!
Sunday Adult Bible Study
Sundays (Oct. - May), 9:15 am, library
Coffee (and sometimes snacks) provided
Men's Fellowship
2nd Saturdays (Oct. - May), 8:30 am, library Coffee/pastries served. John, leader
Interested in Being a Sunday morning Liturgist?
Sign up with Marsha, Worship Chairperson
or call the church office at 831-1143 and leave a message
Enjoy fresh flowers in the Sanctuary Sundays?
Please sign the Flower Sheet in sanctuary
Thank you!
Community Groups Meet Here, Including:
Thursday Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 7:00 pm
Rio Grande Presbyterian Church, 600 Coors Blvd. NW
Planning a Wedding, Shower, Anniversary or Other Special Occasion?
Call the church office regarding reservations/fees/information at 831-1143